Vaastu Consultant

Vaastu Consultation with Astrologer Manish Rawat
Vaasthu consultants are the people who are consulted because of their vast knowledge in Vaasthu. Vaasthu is based on the idea that certain objects or a group of things should be placed facing a certain direction or should be placed in a certain directional corner of the house. Vaasthu for homes comes from Vaasthu shasthra, This traces back to ancient Indian philosophy. The first book on this topic in great detail was written by Saint Vishwa karma roughly 3 thousand years ago! This belief is highly valued by most of the Indians mainly Hindus, people belonging to other religions also follow this under different or the same name. But it is described as a principle that it not restricted to any religion.
Best Vaasthu Consultant - Manish Rawat
Manish Rawat, experienced and well-known vaasthu consultant specializes in this field and has advised many people with information related to vaasthu that has been giving great results. He advises people the ways in which they can organize their home such that they can get the best and positive results. Many people has been advised by him to induce a calm and positive atmosphere in their households to reduce the negativity in their houses.
Why do we need Vasthu ?
Vaasthu is needed as it acts as a guide to the people who are unaware of the fact that doing actions in certain directions can induce certain feelings. It is a pillar in many households and also the base for building houses. Most of the instructions given by vaasthu is backed by science as well, such as it is instructed to buy or build houses facing towards the east or the west, the scientific explanation is that these houses will receive sunlight during the sunrise or sunset. Another example is that while sleeping the head should point towards the east or the south as each has their own individual benefits.