best astrologer in hyderabad - Manish Rawat

Who is an astrologer, and what is astrology?
Astrologer is a person who has expertise in the field of astrology. Astrology can be defined as the study of stars in a general sense, but that doesn’t mean that is its only definition! Astrology is an umbrella term that branches into several categories such as numerology, elements, zodiac signs, kundali etc.
These different categories are used to test different qualities or energies. Depending on interests and requirements the category of astrology is selected. These categories are used to test or predict a great deal of things , quite more than you can expect!
Numerology is based on the date of your birth, sometimes your behavior, approach to things and likelihood can be forecasted by the date in the month you were born in, the month you were born in, the day of the week or sometimes the time of the day you were born in.
Elemental astrology:
Elemental astrology is also another important aspect of astrology. In elemental astrology each person has an energy or aura that pushes them to deal situations in a certain way. Most of the time if a person is confused, stressed or unable to make decisions it is because their energy is weak or has weakened due to a certain event. They are analyzed and given a gemstone that is of same element as their energy or that of a corresponding element to help in reducing these feelings. Sometimes it is the opposite, for some people may have a very strong energy and feel overwhelmed, these people are recommended opposite element gemstones that will help in balancing the energies to help them feel more reassured and calmer.
Zodiac Signs:
Zodiac signs are the star formation or star sign formed in the time period that you were born in. the zodiac signs are classified by the date you were born in, and then are re-grouped into 4 groups. Each group symbolizes an element of nature, and are called by it such as: air signs, water signs, earth signs and wind signs. Each zodiac is classified into these groups based on their thinking and attitude using which they solve problems.
Why do we need Astrology?
Astrology is important as it helps people understand their strengths and areas on which they can work on and also is used to predict their future course of life. Astrology is not only for people but also for businesses, objects, buildings and even pets! Astrology is used to accurately measure the obstacles or the difficulty that may come during its course of time, such as marriages or building of houses. Astrology is also used as apart from preferences, placement of objects and the direction in which they are facing can also create a huge impact on our daily lives. Such as the beds in our houses should always be placed in a way such that our head is towards the south as it creates a positive aura, which cannot be felt in other directions. Our study tables also have this effect as placement of study tables making them face the east or north creates an environment for studying and concentration, whereas facing it to the south will disrupt this concentration leading to distractions and less alertness.